High-Tech Manufacturing
CKD OTTO Pharma Plant located in Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia with area of 12,588m2 and gross floor area of 5,361m2. CKD OTTO Plant is an oncology dedicated manufacturing site where the process of dispensing raw materials, production, packaging and released finished goods is controlled by system.
CKD OTTO Pharma Plant has been certified GMP compliance through inspections by regulatory authorities in 2018 for oncology freeze dry injection and small volume liquid injection. We produce the best quality products in dedicated facilities with an oncology containment system.
All Production facilities used a closed system to minimize the risk of contamination. Production process is performed inside the isolator and CRABS (Closed Restricted Access Barrier System), using single use bags and single use filter to prevent cytotoxic contamination to the operator.
CKD OTTO Pharma is committed to provide a quality product for Indonesian citizens, by receiving Halal certificate from MUI (Indonesian Council of Ulama) with an excellent category for manufacturing facilities in CKD OTTO Pharma plant. CKD OTTO Pharma is the first oncology pharmaceutical company that obtained the Halal certificate in Indonesia.